For Rent

Office For Rent

434 Mamaroneck Ave, Mamaroneck, NY 10543

Office For Rent

Office For Rent 2 Rooms (aesthetically Pleasing) 😊 - Main Therapy Room With Desk, Couch, and a Lunch Table. Microwave, Fridge, Printer With Copy Machine. - Separate Meditation and Mindfulness Room Private Bathroom With Shower Internet 1 Block Away From Metro North and Bus. Availability and Pricing Monday - (half Day) Afternoon to Evening Tuesday - (half Day) Afternoon to Evening Weds - (full Day) Thursday - (half Day) Afternoon to Evening Friday - (full Day) Saturday - (full Day) Sunday - (full Day) Full Day - $250 Full Day is Monthly for One Full Day Per Week Half Day - $125 Half Day Monthly for One Half Day Per Week.

434 Mamaroneck Ave, Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Approximate Location